1 |
91015 |
Dr.Sowmiya L MAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Indian Writing in English
- Feminist Writing
1 |
2 |
91016 |
Dr.V.LizyAssistant Professor
[email protected] |
- Indian Literature in English
0 |
3 |
91017 |
Dr.U.S.AksharagovindAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- English Literature
- Gender Studies
- Literary Theory
0 |
4 |
91019 |
Dr.K.SafinaAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- English Literatute
- Ecocriticism
- Indian Writing in English
- Regional writings of India
0 |
FACULTY OF SCIENCE (Mathematics) |
1 |
92019 |
Dr. S. GANESHProfessor[email protected] |
7 |
2 |
92037 |
Dr. M. NIRMALAProfessor & Head[email protected] |
8 |
3 |
92038 |
Dr. R. RAJAKUMARProfessor[email protected] |
- Chaos Theory
- Application of Mathematics in Communication Engineering in specialisation
8 |
4 |
92042 |
Dr. E. PRIYADHARSHINIProf[email protected] |
7 |
5 |
92043 |
Dr. C. KAVITHAAssistant Professor[email protected] |
1 |
6 |
92044 |
Dr. M. VIDHYAAssistant Professor[email protected] |
3 |
7 |
92045 |
Dr. R. MANOHARANAssistant Professor[email protected] |
2 |
8 |
92049 |
Dr. T. KAMARAJAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Formal Languages and Automata
1 |
9 |
92050 |
Dr. S. MAHESWARIAssistant Professor[email protected] |
3 |
10 |
92051 |
Dr. C. K. KIRUBHASHANKARAssistant Professor[email protected] |
4 |
11 |
92052 |
Dr. J. JAYAPRIYAAssistant Professor[email protected] |
1 |
12 |
92053 |
Dr. A. MOHAMED ISMAILAssistant Professor[email protected] |
3 |
13 |
92054 |
Dr. H. GIRIJABAIAssistant Professor[email protected] |
2 |
14 |
92056 |
Dr.P.MuniappanAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Operations Research
- Mathematics
0 |
15 |
92057 |
Dr.L.Prasanna VenkateshAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Fluid Dynamics
- Graph Theory
- Yoga
4 |
16 |
92058 |
Dr.D.AngelAssistant Professor[email protected] |
0 |
17 |
92060 |
Dr.R.Delhi BabuAssistant Professor[email protected] |
1 |
18 |
92061 |
Dr.Y.ImmanuelAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Mathematics
- Fluid Dynamics
4 |
19 |
92062 |
Dr.M.MallikaAssistant Professor[email protected] |
4 |
20 |
92063 |
Dr.K.BhuvaneswariAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Graph Theory & Its Applications
- Applied Mathematics
- Petri Nets and Its applications
4 |
21 |
92064 |
Dr.R.ParameswariAssistant Professor[email protected] |
4 |
22 |
92065 |
Dr. M. Prem KumarAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Analysis
- Fuzzy Algebra
- Fuzzy Logic and Systems and Graph Theory
- Algebra
4 |
23 |
92066 |
Dr. M. Prasanna JeyanthiAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Numerical Methods
- Fluid Dynamics
2 |
1 |
93008 |
Dr. S. RAVICHANDRANProfessor[email protected] |
- Ultrasonic studies of binary and ternary liquid mixtures and polymer solutions.
- Polymer nano composite materials
5 |
2 |
93020 |
Dr. HELEN MERINA ALBERTProfessor[email protected] |
- High pressure physics
- Superconductivity
- Crystal growth
7 |
3 |
93025 |
Dr. P. KUPPUSAMIProfessor (Research)Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology[email protected] |
- X-ray Diffraction
- Electron Microscopy
- Surface Engineering
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Materials Science and Physics
8 |
4 |
93026 |
Dr. T. S. SHYJUAssociate ProfessorCentre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology[email protected] |
- Material Science &Thin Film Semiconductors
- Fabrications of solar cells
- Constructing circuits
3 |
5 |
93038 |
Dr. S. MURUGESANAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Mineralogy
- Radiation
- Petro physics
5 |
6 |
93039 |
Dr. C. RAMESH KUMARAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Non-Linear Dynamics
- Thin film and its characterization
5 |
7 |
93041 |
Dr.D.S.JayalakshmiAssociate Professor[email protected] |
4 |
8 |
93044 |
Dr.D.Dinesh KumarAssociate Professor (Research)Scientist C (Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)[email protected] |
- Surface Engineering
- Material Sciences
- Thin Films and Tribiological coating
- BioMedical Implant Coating
3 |
9 |
93045 |
Dr.P.MalligaAssociate Professor & Head[email protected] |
- Material Science and Crystal growth
5 |
10 |
93046 |
Dr.S.AnandhiAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Crystal Growth
- Nano composites
- Materials Science - Thin Films
4 |
11 |
93047 |
Dr.J.Anita lettAssistant Professor[email protected] |
3 |
12 |
93048 |
Dr.G.MURUGADOSSAssociate Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Photocatalyst and Battery
- Photovoltaics
- Supercacitor
- Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Energy Applications
1 |
13 |
93049 |
Dr.Mekalathur Roja RamanAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
2 |
14 |
93050 |
Dr. S. Anand JesurajAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Hard Coatings
- Thin Films
- Thermal Barrier Coatings
4 |
15 |
93051 |
Dr.Subha Krishna RaoAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Photocatalytic and Hydrogen Storage Applications.
- Multifunctional and Multiferroic Materials towards Fiber Optic gas Sensors
3 |
16 |
93052 |
Dr. M. DakshanaAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Battery
- Metal Oxides
- Metal Sulfides
- Nano Materials
- Supercapacitor
- Energy Storage Devices
4 |
17 |
93053 |
Dr. K. ParasuramanAssistant Professor [email protected] |
- Nanomaterials
- Crystal Growth
3 |
18 |
93054 |
Dr. Sony VargheseAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Physics
- Material Science
- Battery Materials
- Lithium and Sodium Ion batteries
- Solid Electrolytes
- Ionic Conductivity
- 3D Printing
- Renewable Energy
3 |
19 |
93055 |
Dr. E S SowbakkiyavathiAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Super Capacitor
- Solar Cell
4 |
1 |
94031 |
Dr. J. KarthikeyanProfessor & Head[email protected] |
- Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry
0 |
2 |
94037 |
Dr. V. Ganesh KumarProfessor (Research)Center for Ocean Research[email protected] |
- Nanomaterials
- Materials Chemistry
2 |
3 |
94039 |
Dr. S. SupriyaAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Inorganic Chemistry - Coordination Chemistry
- Synthesis of rare inorganic complexes
- Catalysis
- Pollution control
4 |
4 |
94044 |
Dr. J. BrijittaProfessor (Research)Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology[email protected] |
- Soft Condensed Matter
- Synthesis and Charecterization of Nanoparticle Dispersions
- Quantum dots & Image Analysis
7 |
5 |
94047 |
Dr.K. ChennakesavuluProf[email protected] |
- Supramolecular Chemistry
- Nano Science
0 |
6 |
94050 |
Dr. T. KrithigaAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Heterogeneous catalysis- MCM-48, SBA-1 and metal substituted catalysts
- One pot synthesis of organic compounds
- Conversion of food waste to activated carbon and related works
- Adsorption and Degradation studies
6 |
7 |
94053 |
Dr. V. KavithaProfessor[email protected] |
- Water and Wastewater treatment
- Nano materials synthesis and its applications
- Biodiesel production
- Deep eutectic systems
8 |
8 |
94054 |
Dr. S. SunithaAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Nanocomposites
- Biopolymer for Solar cells
- Nanocomposites for biological activity
3 |
9 |
94057 |
Dr. M. RAJASEKARAssistant Professor (Research)Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology[email protected] |
- Synthetic Organic Chemistry
- Synthetic Organic Chemistry
4 |
10 |
94058 |
Dr.A.M.Kamalan KirubaharanAssistant Professor (Research)Scientist C (Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
[email protected] |
- Surface Engineering
- Material Sciences
- Thin Films
- Coating for Aerospace and Environmental Applications
4 |
11 |
94059 |
Dr.Ramanjaneya Reddy GontuAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Materials Science
- Catalysis
- Solar cells
- OLD's
- EMI shielding
- Microwave absorption materials
- Organo metallic chemistry
2 |
12 |
94060 |
Dr.Subhenjit HazraAssociate Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Material Science
- Sensor
- Materials Chemistry
2 |
13 |
94061 |
Dr.D.RamachandranAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Chemistry
- Civl Engineering
- Bio deterioration of concrete
4 |
14 |
94062 |
Dr. J. BaalamuruganAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Clean Technology and Environmental Sustainability
- Nanomaterials for environmental Applications
- Waste Remediation
- Materials Chemistry
4 |
15 |
94063 |
Dr. T. AnandAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Coordination Chemistry
- Fluorescent Materials
- Organic Nano Materials
- Inorganic Chemistry
3 |
16 |
94064 |
Dr. P. VengateshAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Solar Cells
- Thin Films
- Materials Chemistry
4 |
17 |
94065 |
Dr.P.PriyadharsiniAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Cellulose
- Energy & Environments
- Membrane
- Waste Utilization & Valorization
- Wastewater Treatment
- Biomass & Biofuels
3 |
18 |
94067 |
Dr. C P SuryaAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Organic Chemistry
- Sensors
- Computational Chemistry
- Biological Studies
- Crystal Study
- Molecular Docking
4 |
19 |
94068 |
Dr. Y. SasikumarAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Electrochemistry and Corrosion Behaviour of Metals / Alloys
4 |
20 |
94069 |
Dr. K. AnjuAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Computational Chemistry
- Molecular Docking
- Photophysical and Electrochemical Studies on ICT and PET Based Fluorophores
- Photoluminescence
4 |
Faculty of Science and Humanities (Interdiscipilinary) |
1 |
98208 |
Dr. K. NAGAMANIAssistant Professor (Research)Centre for Remote sensing and Geoinformatics[email protected] |
- Coastal Zone Management
- Land use Modeling
- Socio Economic Assessment
3 |
2 |
98218 |
Dr. P. M. VELMURUGANAssociate Professor (Research)Centre for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences[email protected] |
- Environmental Geochemisty and Paleo
- Climate Change Studies
4 |
3 |
98265 |
Dr. V GopalAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Environmental Geochemistry
- Paleoclimatic on Depositional Environments Sediment Geochemistry
3 |
FACULTY OF HUMANITIES (Visual Communication) |
1 |
99235 |
Dr.N.NaziniAsst. Professor & Head[email protected] |
- Film Studies
- Social Media
- Digital Education
0 |
2 |
99236 |
Dr. N. RajaAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- E- Learning
- Impact on You Tube
- Online Education
- Student Centric Education
- Social Media
0 |
3 |
99237 |
Dr. A R Vimal RajAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Television Production
- Film Studies
- Digital Media Production
1 |
Faculty of Science(Psychology) |
1 |
98262 |
Dr.R.Parveen BanuAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Students Mental Health
- Sports Psychology
- Educational Psychology
4 |