1 |
21014 |
Dr. B. Sheela RaniProfessorDirector (Research)[email protected] |
- Image Processing
- Signal Processing
- Deep Learning
- Evolutionary Computation
- Genetic Algorithms
2 |
2 |
21045 |
Dr. E. LogashanmugamProfessorPro Vice Chancellor[email protected] |
- Video Signal Processing
- Embedded Systems
- Cryptography & Stenography
- Network Security
- Image Processing
7 |
3 |
21075 |
Dr. N. M. NandhithaProfessorDean - School of EEE[email protected] |
- Infrared Thermography
- Signal & Image processing
- NDT techniques
- Soft Computing Techniques
5 |
4 |
21084 |
Dr. G.SundariProfessor[email protected] |
- Wireless sensor network
- Image Processing
- Network Security
- Wireless Communications
- Medical Electronics
- Communication Systems
- Electronic circuit analysis
- Video compression
8 |
5 |
21085 |
Dr. M. SumathiProfessor[email protected] |
- Medical Image Processing
- Optical Communication
- VLSI Signal Processing / Testing
- Microwave Engineering
- Underwater acoustic Signal processing
- Time frequency analysis
- Embedded system
- Enose
6 |
6 |
21086 |
Dr.K.V.KarthikeyanProfessor[email protected] |
- Wireless Communication
- Embedded System & IoT
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Wireless Networks
8 |
7 |
21087 |
Dr. V. Vijaya BaskarProfessor[email protected] |
- Underwater Acoustic Signal processing
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Embedded system
- Electronic Nose (Enose)
- Signal and Image Processing
3 |
8 |
21090 |
Dr. A. Sahaya Anselin NishaProf[email protected] |
- Microstrip Antenna
- Microwave Filters
- Wireless Communication
6 |
9 |
21091 |
Dr. M. S. GodwinPremiProfessor[email protected] |
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Image Processing
- Embedded System Design
- Wireless Security
4 |
10 |
21092 |
Dr. S. Emalda RoslinProfessor[email protected] |
- Wireless Sensor Network
- Wireless Mesh Network
- Security in Wireless Network
- Digital Image Processing
6 |
11 |
21093 |
Dr. T. RaviProfessor & Head[email protected] |
- Low Power VLSI Design
- Nano Electronics
- Digital Systems
- Digital Signal Processing
5 |
12 |
21096 |
Dr. S. KarthikeyanProfessor[email protected] |
- Wireless sensor Networks
- Image Processing
- Software Defined radio
- Embedded systems - RTOS
4 |
13 |
21097 |
Dr. Rekha ChakravarthiAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Wireless Sensor Network
- Digital Image Processing
- Neural Network
- Fuzzy Logic
1 |
14 |
21099 |
Dr. V. J. K. Kishor SontiProf[email protected] |
- Micro Electronics
- VLSI Design
- Semiconductor Devices and Computing Methodologies
4 |
15 |
21105 |
Dr. S. LalithakumariProfessor[email protected] |
- Non destructive Testing
- Image & Signal Processing
- Neural Networks
- Fuzzy logic systems
5 |
16 |
21108 |
Dr. S. LakshmiProfessor[email protected] |
- Wireless Networks
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Wireless Communication
- Image Processing
7 |
17 |
21109 |
Dr. M. SubramoniamProfessor[email protected] |
- Medical Image Processing
- Medical Electronics
- Embedded Systems
2 |
18 |
21110 |
Dr. P. ChitraProfessor[email protected] |
- Image processing
- Signal processing
- Communication system
- Electronic circuit Analysis
1 |
19 |
21114 |
Dr. Y. VarthamananProfessor[email protected] |
- Nano Electronics
- Mixed signal ICS
- Wireless sensor networks
- Embedded systems and solar systems
5 |
20 |
21115 |
Dr. P. KavipriyaProfessor[email protected] |
- Wireless Networks
- Wireless Communication
- Electronics Circuits Analysis
- Transforms and Random Process
3 |
21 |
21117 |
Dr. B. RajasekarProfessor[email protected] |
- VLSI Design
- Wireless Communication
- Medical Image Processing
- Image processing
1 |
22 |
21118 |
Dr. V. VijayakumarAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- High Speed Devices
- VLSI Design
2 |
23 |
21120 |
Dr. R. NarmadhaProfessor & Head[email protected] |
- Wireless Communication
- Network Security
- Digital Image Processing
- RF and Microwave engineering
7 |
24 |
21123 |
Dr.R.PandianProfessor[email protected] |
- Medical Imaging
- Signal Processing
- Instrumentation
5 |
25 |
21124 |
Dr.P.Grace Kanmani PrinceAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Process Control
- Instrumentation Sensors
- BiomedicalInstrumentation
3 |
26 |
21126 |
Dr.T.BernatinAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Video Compression
- Image Processing
- VLSI Signal Processing
- Video Signal Processing
- Embedded System
1 |
27 |
21128 |
Dr. S.JayaprakashAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Electrical Machines
- Power Electronics
- Renewable Energy
- DC and AC Drive applications
- Intelligent techniques in power Electronics and Drives
6 |
28 |
21130 |
Dr.N.R.KrishnamoorthyAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Error Coding Techniques
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Wireless Communication
0 |
29 |
21131 |
Dr.V.Bala MuruganProfessor[email protected] |
- VLSI Design
- Image Processing
- Nano Electronics
4 |
30 |
21132 |
Dr.G.JaganAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- RF and Microwave communication
- MIMO Systems
- Embedded Systems
- IoT and Cloud Systems
6 |
31 |
21133 |
Dr.E.Anna DeviAssociate Professor[email protected] |
3 |
32 |
21134 |
Dr.I.Rexiline SheebaAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- VLSI Design
- RF & Microwave Engineering
- Microstrip antenna
- Bio electromagnetism
6 |
33 |
21135 |
Dr.J.Bethanney JanneyAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Medical Image Processing
- Machine Learning
- Biomedical Instrumentation
2 |
34 |
21136 |
Dr. S. PoornapushpakalaProfessor[email protected] |
- Instrumentation
- Biomedical Engineering
- Process Control
4 |
35 |
21137 |
Dr. S. BaraniProfessor[email protected] |
- Wireless Sensor Network
- Instrumentation
4 |
36 |
21138 |
Dr. M. SugadevAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Wireless Communications
- Antennas
- Embedded Systems
3 |
37 |
21139 |
Dr.V.VedanarayananAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Medical Image Processing
- Signal Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Evolutionary Computing
- Soft Computing Techniques
- Medical IOT Devices.
6 |
38 |
21140 |
Dr.R.M.JoanyAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Signal
- Image and Video Signal Processing
- Embedded & IOT
- Optical Communication
- Wireless Communication
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
6 |
39 |
21141 |
Dr.S.Nirmal RajAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- VLSI Design
- Signal and Image Processing
- Communication Engineering
- Embedded System, Robotics and Automation.
- Robotics and Automation.
5 |
40 |
21142 |
Dr.S.PreethiAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Analog VLSI
- Numerical Modeling of MOSFET
- Biosensor Based FET
4 |
41 |
21143 |
T. VinoAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Security Microwave & RF
- Video Communication
- Image and Video Signal Processing
6 |
42 |
21144 |
Dr. L. Megalan LeoAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Artificial Intelligence
- Embedded Systems
- Machine Learning
- Digital Image Processing
4 |
43 |
21145 |
Dr.K.SrilathaAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Artificial Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Soft Computing Techniques
- Image Processing
6 |
44 |
21146 |
Dr. A. AranganathanAssociate Professor [email protected] |
- 5G Networks
- Image Processing
- Wireless Networks (Communicatoin)
6 |
45 |
21147 |
Dr. Gopika GAssistant Professor (Research)[email protected] |
- Photodetectors
- Photodiodes
- Sensors
- Two dimensional layered materials
- Water Splitting
- Photovoltaics
3 |
46 |
21148 |
Dr. Mathan NAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- VLSI Design
- System on Chip (SOC) Design
- Neuron on Chip (AI Chip) Design
- Artificial Intelligence Hardware Accelerators
- Mixed Mode Modelling
- Nanoelectronics
3 |
47 |
21149 |
Dr. Poonguzhali SAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Intelligent Wireless Sensor
- Networks for medical applications and automation
- Intelligent medical networks for disease diagnosis and monitoring
4 |
48 |
21150 |
Dr. G. Rajalakshmi Associate Professor[email protected] |
- Multivariate Signal processing
- Image processing
- Control and Instrumentation
- Medical Electronics
6 |
49 |
21151 |
Dr. T. Thaj Mary DelsyAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Signal Processing
- Soft Computing Techniques
- Instrumentation
- Automation
- Deep Learning
6 |
50 |
21152 |
Dr. M. KanimozhiAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning & Optimization Techniques
- Image Processing
4 |
51 |
21153 |
Dr R BharathiAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- IoT Sensors
- Machine Learning
- Optical Sensors
4 |
1 |
31062 |
Dr. V. SivachidambaranathanProfessor[email protected] |
- Resonant Converters
- Renewable Energy
- Drives and Control
6 |
2 |
31065 |
Dr. G. T. SundarRajanProfessor[email protected] |
- DC and AC drive applications
- Power factor Correction
- AI techniques ? Fuzzy and Neural Network
- Power Quality Improvement in Power Electronics
6 |
3 |
31068 |
Dr. S. D. Sundarsingh JebaseelanProfessor[email protected] |
- Smart Grid
- Power Quality Improvement in Power System using Optimization Technique.
- FACTS Devices
- Power System Operation and Control
- Renewable Energy
7 |
4 |
31069 |
Dr. D. Godwin ImmanuelProfessor[email protected] |
- Intelligent Techniques in Power Systems
- FACTS Devices
- Smart Grid
- Special Electrical Machines
- Renewable Energy Sources
6 |
5 |
31070 |
Dr. D. SusitraProfessor[email protected] |
- Special Electrical machines
- Electrical drives and Control
- Power Electronic Converters
- Modeling of Electrical machines
- Artificial Intelligence techniques
1 |
6 |
31071 |
Dr. G. D. Anbarasi JebaselviProfessor[email protected] |
- Modeling of Wind electric generators
- Wind and Solar Photo-Voltaic Power Systems
- PV modules and power converters
- Hybrid Power Systems
6 |
7 |
31075 |
Dr. S. RadhikaProfessor & Head[email protected] |
- Adaptive Alter Design
- Machine learning IOT
- ECG Signal Analysis
4 |
8 |
31076 |
Dr.A.Ramesh BabuAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Electric drives for industrial application
- Electrical vehicle wired and wireless charging technique
- Energy storage system
- Electrical machines controller for electric vehicle application
- MPPT controller for solar PV application
5 |
9 |
31077 |
Dr.M.L.BharathiAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Solar Powered Converters and Controllers
- Artificial Neural Network/Fuzzy based controllers
- MPPT Controllers.
- Intelligent Controller/Converter/Drives for Electric Vehicles.
- Renewable Energy Sources.
1 |
10 |
31078 |
Dr.W.Abitha MemalaProfessor[email protected] |
- Renewable Energy
- Automation
- Control and Monitoring
- Electrical Machines
- Power Electronics
- Smart Grid System and Fault Diagnosis
5 |
11 |
31080 |
Dr.V.Senthil NayagamAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Battery Charging Technologies
- DC to DC Converter
- Embedded Based Controller
- Power Electronics
- Solar Technologies
- Electric Vehicle(EV)
6 |
12 |
31081 |
Dr.M.KavithaAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Artificial Intelligence
- Micro-grid.
- Renewable Energy Sources
- Power Electronics
5 |
13 |
31082 |
Dr.C.BhuvaneswariAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Power Electronics Converters
- Renewable Energy
- Artificial Intelligence
- Smart Grid Technologies
- Optimization Algorithms
4 |
14 |
31083 |
Dr.P.SivagamiAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Controller
- Power Converters
- Power Electronics & Drives
3 |
15 |
31084 |
Dr.M.PushpavalliAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Power Electronics and Drives
- Power Converters
- Big data analytics and Machine Learning in smart grids
- Artificial Intelligence
- Electric Vehicle
- Embedded system and IoT
4 |
16 |
31085 |
Dr.V.MeenakshiAssociate Professor[email protected] |
- Machine Learning
- Hybrid Power Systems
- Power Electronics
- Electrical Machines
- PLC Controller
6 |
17 |
31086 |
Dr. A. MuruganAssistant Professor[email protected] |
- Fuzzy Logic Controller & Genetic Algorithm
- HVDC Facts Controller
- Power System Stability
- HPFC Controller
4 |